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Annual review


Axel Johnson


Art Direction

Design strategy



Narvas assignment was to produce Axel Johnson´s annual review. Axel Johnson is a leading Swedish family-owned company in rapid renewal. The group's companies meet more than half a million customers a day and aim to be a positive force for change in the communities they are part of. The reader is invited to deep dive into Axel Johnson's 10/50/50 goal, which means that in ten years, 50 percent of what Axel Johnson does will be things they do not do today, while the climate footprint will be halved.


The project started with a workshop where the main messages, theme, and art direction were discussed – later resulting in the design concept for this year's product. In conjunction with the publication, Narva also produced a short film that Axel Johnson used on LinkedIn when the annual review was published.


The final production resulted in an ambitious, modern, and inviting annual report where Axel Johnson's value creation and long-term perspective are central aspects. During the year, Axel Johnson also celebrated its 150th anniversary, which was highlighted by including several portrait photos of employees from within the group in the annual report.

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