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Get rid of your old embarrassments






Project management

Concept development

Art Direction




In Sweden, nearly 3.5 million mobile phones are sold annually, yet only 1 million are recycled or reused. It is estimated that there are upwards of 25 million mobile phones lying idle, gathering dust in Swedish households. Phones that, with today's technology, can be recycled up to 80-95%. To facilitate increased collection of electronics, the recycling company Recipo, in collaboration with Elgiganten, has developed the Secure Collect, a secure collection container. The initiative stemmed from the realization that many find it troublesome to part with their old phones, fearing they may contain personal and sensitive data. Despite such solutions, knowledge and willingness regarding electronics recycling remain low in Sweden. With the goal of Elgiganten contributing to the recycling of 1 million mobile phones in the long run, Narva was commissioned to develop an awareness-raising campaign concept, ready to launch on E-waste Day, October 14, 2023. 


Based on the insights gathered from surveys, we identified that, besides the effort involved, the fear of personal photos and private conversations falling into the wrong hands is the biggest obstacle for Swedish consumers when it comes to disposing of their old mobile phones. People want assurance that no embarrassing moments will leak out. With this in mind, we chose to directly address the target audience's concerns when developing campaign concepts and messaging. To further emphasize the notion of unnecessarily hoarding "old relics," we opted for imagery featuring older, worn-out, and broken mobile phones that many have a connection to (think well-known models predating the iPhone era). Mobile phones were collected, photographed, visualized, and animated with messages such as: "I contain pictures of you and the Val-d'Isère crew from 2024 – Get rid of your old embarrassments with us."


The campaign aimed to contribute to Elgiganten's positioning as a sustainable player in consumer electronics. Communication objectives were defined with the goal that the target audience would: 

1. Know that Elgiganten accepts e-waste.

2. Feel that Elgiganten is a sustainable commercial player in home electronics.

3. Take action: Increase the collection of e-waste. Following the campaign's execution, a campaign measurement (survey) was conducted, revealing that 8 out of 10 respondents identified Elgiganten as the sender of the campaign. Additionally, 59% of respondents were able to accurately recall the campaign's message: "Recycle your mobile phone, safely and securely.

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