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Not all things can be learned from a book




Employer brand strategy



There is a significant shortage of skilled instructors in vocational education. Nine out of ten employers report difficulties in recruiting the right expertise. Furthermore, 40% of the instructional staff are over 60 years old and are expected to retire in the coming years. The supply of educators in vocational fields has always been insufficient, and now there is a clear intention to take ownership of the issue. The goal is to encourage more professionals to contemplate full- or part-time positions as vocational instructors in schools. This is a tough challenge for the future. Each recruitment process is time-consuming and costly, and sometimes the pool of candidates is very limited, which risks creating quality issues in education. In other words, it's crucial that more professionals in Sweden consider the teaching profession. 


The problem is that these professionals are already in jobs that are in high demand; many chose their roles because they required limited hours in school, with real-life experience and the ability to perform well on the job being the ultimate test. Convincing them to return to school to teach was no easy task, as most had never even considered it a possibility. Therefore, we invited them not just to teach but to leave a legacy, to ignite the spark of craftsmanship in the hearts and minds of the young – because not all things can be learned from a book. We crafted a recruitment campaign showcasing current vocational teachers at work, centered on vocational pride and the imperative of imparting knowledge to the upcoming generations. Through a PR campaign and paid media, we inspired hundreds to take the first steps towards becoming educators. The experience, knowledge, and passion they hold are crucial in forging a path to the future. For everything that is not shared is lost.


The campaign was a success. It ran both during the fall of 2023 and in January 2024, resulting in over 600 expressions of interest and nearly 200 individual guidance sessions. Education Director Susanne Christenson hopes that many of those who reached out will choose to retrain as vocational teachers. "I am very pleased that this initiative has opened the eyes of so many to the need for their vocational expertise in schools, and that they have taken the first step by seeking guidance. Sweden needs more vocational professionals, and consequently, more vocational teachers.” 

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Reinventing Rejlers visual identity
